Handbook: «CCS for waste incineration»

CCS for waste incineration

Sharing of knowledge

  • Alternativ teknologi – karbonfangstanlegg

    Alternative technology – carbon capture plant

    On 24 June 2024, KAN had a meeting with the technology supplier Svante. In the meeting, they presented an alternative technology for carbon capture plants. This carbon capture technology…


  • CCS in the UK

    CCS in the UK

    On 29 May 2024, KAN had a meeting with ESA - Environmental services association, which brings together companies from the waste and recycling industry in...


  • CCS i Finland

    CCS i Finland

    On 7 May 2024, KAN had a meeting with Bioenergia, which aims to develop the bioenergy sector in Finland. They have a focus…


This manual is brought to you by KAN – Klimakur for avfallsforbenning I Norge (Climate cure for waste incineration in Norway)

KAN consists of the waste incineration plants Statkraft Varme, Forus Energigjenvinning, BIR Ressurs, Returkraft, Hafslund Celsio, FREVAR, Eidsiva Bioenergi and SAREN Energy, all of which have activities related to the capture, storage and/or utilization of CO2 (CCUS).

Our partners

Statkraft Varme, Forus Energigjenvinning, BIR Ressurs, Returkraft, Hafslund Celsio, FREVAR, Eidsiva Bioenergi and SAREN Energy work together in KAN and contribute to increased information sharing and better solutions around CCUS for the waste industry through increased cooperation on common challenges.