Handbook: «CCS for waste incineration»

This manual is brought to you by KAN - Climate cure for waste incineration in Norway.

This manual is brought to you by KAN - Climate Cure for Waste incineration in Norway. KAN consists of several development projects that look at challenges and opportunities related to CCUS for the waste industry KAN is an industrial collaboration consisting of the partners Statkraft Varme, Forus Energigjenvinning, BIR Ressurs, Returkraft, Hafslund Celsio, FREVAR, Eidsiva Bioenergi and SAREN Energy, all of which have Norwegian waste incineration plants with activities related to the capture, storage and/or utilization of CO2 (CCUS).

Denne håndboken inneholder blant annet:

  • Assessment of capture technology: Assessment of which capture technologies are best suited for the waste industry and for cost-effective CO2-capture.
  • Recommendation related to integration: In-depth knowledge of optimal integration of capture systems.
  • Funding and business opportunities: Better understanding and increased knowledge of future business models and opportunities, as well as the regulatory framework.
  • Transport, logistics and storage: Prepare solutions and establish cost estimates including interfaces to permanent storage

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a technology and solution is internationally highlighted as an important contributor to achieving global climate goals and contributing to negative emissions. Through the Climate Plan, the Longship Project and Climate Cure 2030, Norway has significant ambitions related to climate reductions, including CCS. Local is the reduction of CO2 from waste incineration necessary to reach local goals.

Common to all CCS projects, regardless of industry, is that there are technical, economic and environmental challenges that must be resolved before viable facilities can be realized.

Different industries have partly overlapping and partly different challenges and opportunities. For example, some have access to surplus heat, while others need significant amounts of supplied energy. It is not a given which technology is best suited for which industry, and some are covered by quota systems, such as the ETS system, and others are not. However, all industries need solutions for capture, transport and permanent storage, or utilization of captured CO2

KAN consists of waste incineration plants with initiated CCUS projects, and works together to find which frameworks and solutions are the best and most optimal for waste incineration. This includes both technology and solutions along the entire value chain from capture to permanent storage, and predictable and viable commercial conditions. Waste incineration plants have a significant proportion of biogenic emissions of CO2, and can therefore contribute to negative emissions/carbon removal. Therefore, the work with framework conditions for carbon removal becomes an important contributor to lifting the CCUS projects financially.

KAN will also share learning and acquired expertise to contribute to faster development of CCUS and decarbonisation of the waste industry, and in that context has prepared this handbook "CCS for waste incineration".

KAN has no intention of solving all the challenges alone. Other industry collaborations, non-profit organizations and clusters are important partners in developing a complete and viable value chain for CCUS from waste incineration plants.


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