Handbook: «CCS for waste incineration»

Alternative technology – carbon capture plant

On 24 June 2024, KAN had a meeting with the technology supplier Svante.

In the meeting, they presented an alternative technology for carbon capture plants. This carbon capture technology uses solid sorbents that are placed in filters, and the process is carried out in a rotating adsorption machinery.

The meeting contributed to strengthening KAN's knowledge of various technologies for CCS, which will be important when the choice of technology for each plant is to be made. A representative from the Trade Commissioner Service was also present to inform the superior about the possibility for Norwegian companies to use them as a contact point if they are going to do business in Canada or want to come into contact with the business community there.


• The filters are produced by Svante, and are part of their main business. The filters last for three years with a guaranteed 95% efficiency in the capture process.

• According to Svante, their capture technology stands out in four ways: it has minimal impact on the environment, uses low-temperature heat (90 degrees), has a fast response time and a more compact plant. In addition, energy use is optimized to reduce the facility's OPEX.

For more information about Svante, see: https://www.svanteinc.com