Chapter 2
Benchmark of CO2 capture technologies
Chapter 2
This benchmark applies to facilities that fuel household and commercial waste, as well as recycled wood. The benchmark also covers plants that generate clean bioenergy such as wood chips, GROT, and other types of bioenergy.
Benchmark is adapted to Norwegian conditions but will also have relevance outside Norway.
Target group
This benchmark aims to provide an opportunity to compare ongoing carbon capture plants in Norway. Benchmark has been developed based on data from several of the largest players globally, as well as several players locally, for comparison of both own and others' projects. The benchmark has been developed for use in the individual ongoing and future carbon capture projects.
Demand for information from suppliers
A standardized approach has been used to obtain information from suppliers. A contact log has also been kept for initial contact with the suppliers.
Details of this are attached to the report and include standardized mail, log of communication and design basis for "KAN Referansa".
Benchmark of technologies
In order to benchmark suppliers against Referansa and present an objective comparison, there are certain necessary criteria that were not met in this work. These include the sufficient participation of several suppliers, the desire of suppliers to avoid disclosure of intellectual property, as well as available time within the project frameworks.
Benchmark is therefore developed on technologies based on data obtained from suppliers, as well as available literature and dialogue with independent expertise.
Criteria considered:
- TRL specific to waste incineration (matrix attached)
- CO2 concentration on flue gas for which technology is suitable
- Main source of energy for the capture process
- Energy demand Heat
- Energy demand Electric
- Potential for harmful emissions to air
- Potential for heat recovery
- Amount of waste heat
- Cooling requirements
- Footprint
- Assumed Relative cost
- Overall assessment of whether the technology is suitable for use on waste incineration